Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec...
Arbitration body sing on these terms and conditions as are cleaverwife.blogspot.comimposed by a husband,
She will not got outside from home through any any ways/ she not try to cross the out gate in any conditions. But there are some situations whereas a wife can cross the outer main gate of the home. Only if she is ill and need the attendance of lady doctor, resin such conditions she can go out side from home main gate, Remember in such kind of situations/ conditions prior written permission is necessary from husband of verbal requirements will be necessary. Husband clearly declared" all facilities and utilities of live will provide to his home. Yes it is common if a husband provides such kinds of entire and all facilities and utilities of life/ for life, wife should/ must accept the all terms and conditions as are imposed by her husband. If in such conditions wife try to disobey husband imposed terms and conditions again, yes again war of tags between husband and wife start and such situations appear again.
If a husband want to provide all kinds of facilities of life to his wife at home, it is first and foremost duty of wife not ignore there short type of terms and conditions and completely actuon on these terms and conditions.
Furthermore the husband request to her wife unnecessary travelling in parents home is, she must avoid because the are pointed many fingers on her character. So out going of wife is bane because of her character. About wife character a husband know batter then others and others point thumbs only when there are some realities in hidden/ invisible her character.
In our society where we are living many wife attend out side home activities but their husband know about her characters, her wives behaviour with others peoples and about her habits/ dealing with others people. So those husband allow their wife to go here and there at/ in some where she wants because wives characterd are safe, sound and not polluted by others society people. Because their husband knows their wives will not offer her bodies to others men .yes they will not spend sometimes with theirs boyfriends,yes doesn't enjoy sex with strangers, with others peoples, with relatives and with cusions. Yes she will remain polluted. And yes she will return in husband home as free from germs and diseases spreading bacteria.
Husband those think, bleave and understand her wife character is loose, wrong and try to enjoy sex with others people, yes those husband band her wife outgoing, and out going from main gate of thehome. So husband imposed restrictions on her wife.
All above is correct, or wrong as a husband, please write some comments on above mentions situations,