Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec...
Remember in the first year of marriage, the wife speaks and speaks again and again and husband always hear with full patience the bitter dialogue of wife, the wrong sentences of wife and all avoid to try from the eagerness of his wife. But when second year of husband and wife start then husband says all about loudly and wife hear with patience and try to says nothing from her mouth to her husband because second year of marriage end. And third year of marriage starts with awesome change. Of what type of changes? From where there these changes appears and how appears in in the life of couples future life? These are controllable or not controllable in married couples future life? Please you will find the answer of such type of quarries at the end of this post and in some of others such kinds of blogs posts at this place and in these pages and posts.
Alright when third year of husband and wife starts , here the situation is changes completely and some negative ways.
Please remember at the start of third year of husband and wife future life days sometimes go through a narrow path and then what happen?
Husband and wife quarrel with each others are nioce appear from such type of family quarrels matters" all neighbors hear the noice of words war between husband and wife. At every instance of ongoing life period in the third year of married couple life, a noisy stair face every day. Yes with the some bitters sentences of husband and wife all around the neighbors people enjoy the family war every days.
Yes the third year of couples married life is very hard and tandeou years. Because this first and third year points and choose future life guide lines for a couple future success full life period and a complete maps and guidelines for future life planning. Remember if the third years of marriaDr life try to travel on the paved and saved paths of future ways then success is only for away of distance of few steps of courageous footed but if these husband and wife steps runon different patches of their live will deteriorate soon and can become the olden tale of past, As once a wise person And famous scholar says in his social hand both about" husband and wife revelation. Such as for what purpose and for what gains?
Yes some one can clearly think, understand and brainstorm for his or her future life dining or shining situation? Yes while using the special tools of positive thinking, observing with kean interest the whole and entire situation around the family circlevel.
Here if wife is so much greedy and want to digest the hen and especially family life as the golden egs of her husband. .remember greedy wife is a curried cursed fromALlah and I! !think this brutal, selfish, greedy and to some extent a greedy wife is batter the cobera and Ana conda.
Atlast if a foolish, brutal and greedy wife can knocked the doors of court for her maintenance yes she can provide poisonous material to her husband for his death, please remember the life of a husband is unrecoverable.
Please in you future life period do not faith/ fully relay on your wife or life partner if she is much greedy, to some extent foolish and brutal. Please always be conscious about suck type of situations in your ngt9 l life
Alright when third year of husband and wife starts , here the situation is changes completely and some negative ways.
Please remember at the start of third year of husband and wife future life days sometimes go through a narrow path and then what happen?
Husband and wife quarrel with each others are nioce appear from such type of family quarrels matters" all neighbors hear the noice of words war between husband and wife. At every instance of ongoing life period in the third year of married couple life, a noisy stair face every day. Yes with the some bitters sentences of husband and wife all around the neighbors people enjoy the family war every days.
Yes the third year of couples married life is very hard and tandeou years. Because this first and third year points and choose future life guide lines for a couple future success full life period and a complete maps and guidelines for future life planning. Remember if the third years of marriaDr life try to travel on the paved and saved paths of future ways then success is only for away of distance of few steps of courageous footed but if these husband and wife steps runon different patches of their live will deteriorate soon and can become the olden tale of past, As once a wise person And famous scholar says in his social hand both about" husband and wife revelation. Such as for what purpose and for what gains?
Yes some one can clearly think, understand and brainstorm for his or her future life dining or shining situation? Yes while using the special tools of positive thinking, observing with kean interest the whole and entire situation around the family circlevel.
Here if wife is so much greedy and want to digest the hen and especially family life as the golden egs of her husband. .remember greedy wife is a curried cursed fromALlah and I! !think this brutal, selfish, greedy and to some extent a greedy wife is batter the cobera and Ana conda.
Atlast if a foolish, brutal and greedy wife can knocked the doors of court for her maintenance yes she can provide poisonous material to her husband for his death, please remember the life of a husband is unrecoverable.
Please in you future life period do not faith/ fully relay on your wife or life partner if she is much greedy, to some extent foolish and brutal. Please always be conscious about suck type of situations in your ngt9 l life