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Wife is not only fot enjoying sex

Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife  relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec

Laws,Rules and Regulations are blinds?

Laws, Rules and Regulations are  blinds or have eyes for watching, for observing and for detecting real causes of families matters. Yes yesterday one top level lawyer was wondering here and there in a public park. But after sometime when he tired. He seet on a cemented table in the park and these cemented table like chairs were spreded here and there in that family public park.
Yes that lawyer was professor of law in some one famous private college  of law. After a while some young students appear there and sat on the ground. May be those all were students of law class and that lawyer was their professor.
Because I was setting near them, I also enjoyed their talks with their law professor.
Suddenly professor of law stood near cemented table and started explaining the family laws and also explained in details the amendments as was made in the" family laws of 1964 in our country Pakistan. The professor of law furthermore explained that these amendments in the family law of Pakistan were made after some about fifty one years in 2015.But in last fifty one years all cases as are filled by wives for maintenance about her or for their child or children are decided accordance with those terms and conditions' as family acts stated, in a paragraph that was amended in 2015.Yes the professor of law further explained about the nature of amendments especially,
12.Amendments in section 17-A of act xxxv of family act of 1964.
The professor uttered loudly, these changes were made for maintenance of wife and children. 17-A, yes a suit for maintenance,
In a suit for maintenance,the family court shall on the date of first appearance of the defendant, fix the interim monthly maintenance for a wife or a child and if the defendant fail to pay the maintenance for her wife or children by fourteen days of each month, the defense of the defendant shall stand struck off and the family court shall decree the suit for maintenance on the basis of averments in the plaint and other supporting documents on the record of the case.
The professor of law very highly and loudly speak. During my law practice in court, many husbands are fined with fifty thousand Pakistani rupees or if some husbands denay to pay the maintenance of her wife or for child, those were sent in prison for one year. After punishment of one years prison maintenance of wife and or for a child can ended as were claimed by wife in a court if a husband complete one year prision punishment? ,yes a question was arose by one of young law girl student in front of law of professor?
May their in public park law of class was near ended, and some students also raised close ended and opened questions in front of professor but that wise person summarised all questions in a short and sum up like a short paragraph, as fellow
Law, rules and regulations and blind, those all were make/ made by laws authorities. These all laws  are written on papers for punishment of crimes people. But remember and always remember man made laws are blind till these are not explain in courts with complete details. And yes when these laws are explain in courts, these laws must be/ should be explaine as the reality of laws, there must be no favour, bribes and nepotism like tags war be pointed for reaching and making final decisions of some kind of case.
Although man made laws are not errors free, always remember error free and every body accepted laws are laws of holy Quaran and explanations of our last and beloved last prophet of Allah.
All men made laws, rules and regulations and blind, as a young students you should try to complete all responsibilities with honesty. Yes because lives of many peoples under your the point of your pen and pencils. As a students of law you know, how much precious and costly one life day of a person?
And some of you was placed with some accused person what will be your own state and conditions?
So please law explain in law environment not on the fabric of political pressure, public pressure, favour of related persons and under the pressure of top level authorities.
Complete your duties and responsibilities as a pious and neat


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