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Wife is not only fot enjoying sex

Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife  relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec...

Please don not believe on these

A wise person need not to trist on the following creature.
Women, girls and ladies
On snakes ,on selfish people
On foolish and brutal wife,girlfriend and life partner.
On greedy and pretend masking wife
Please don't try to trist on snakes, weather these are pet with teeth or without teeth.
Please don't believe on wife who try to ignore her husband during favour able circumstances.
"Pet in home is always dangerous" but only dogs and cats are faithfull animals, these animals are although greedy to some extent but faith for ever for live and these animals can spent long parts of theirs lives with you. If you passed from such kind of these animals habits and behavior please write your own observations and experiences here in comments.
Yes dogs and cats are greedy and some very very dangerous for his or her master or owner when these animals or hungary and need something for/ to eating. As a common observations all animals are faithful and lovely, it mean all pet animals enormously love, like and respect their respected master and owner.
But always remember here an other creature is know as' wife' ,life partner' ,'or a beautiful girlfriends. From where these girlfriends belongs, from where they com, from where where these girls appear in some life. But only some that can be counted on hands figures become success story but not a successful home wife. Common person bleave that a woman, a lady or a young girl who not want, who not respect, who not try to respect their parents, her brothers and sisters. Who try to forget the the real love of her mother and fit, connect realationship with some stranger boy, please think in future that girl can get the attention of her boyfriend, her husband or her life life partner.
At the end snake is very very poisonous animal and when a poisonous snake sting to some human body, his or her human body become senseless with a few seconds after biting of dangerous and poisonous snake. Although there are treatment and remedies for victims but always remember there is no treatment and remedies if a wife, if a girlfriend or life partner sting like a poisonous and dangerous snake.
Remember and always remember if a greedy and selfish wife, girlfriend or life partner buite you/ on your body, from your body, understand there is no proper and regular treatment and effective remedy for curing such type of illness.
Please try to brainstorm your mind waves and start observing society, research on this vast. ,wide and interesting critical situations and unsolved conditions and try to draw some beset kind conclusions, foregoing results and some proper salvation about the following open ended or close ended queries,
Who is very dangerous,
Who very poisonous,
Who is greatest greedy,
Who can loss the life of some,
Who is selfish, greedy and with advance brain,
Some of above all those who one can easily pet in home, but in bear future don't try to bite/ or sting on her master and owner.
But all others are animals and some of all them is very very faith, but here we will only and only talk about the human being the" wife'
First of all it is reality wife is the name of love. And wife is the name of truest. Wife is the name of cooperation and all those cooperation are mutual cooperation. Wife is the name of life, but here what kind of future life or every day quarreling life.
Remember there are medicines and regular treatment for curing the diseasesand disorders of all human being nature but there is, till this no treatment or effective remedy available for the treatment of foolish, dirty mind and greedy wife. And greedy wife always directories not only her live but life of her husband, life of her children and also life of her parents.
Some wives only love with/ to their husband for money and only for wealth. Such kinds of wives ignore the real and glorious character of her husband. Greedy wives always required money not love and real love from her husband side. Yes those wifes are greedy wives and always try to count/ measure the wealth of her husband and she feel proud and think about it, yes such kind of proud is temporary and without


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