If someone is married or unmarried, if someone is planning to select or choose a wife or a life partner, if someone is still bachelor and wish to accept someone as wife or a life partner, someone must brainstorm and think about her habits, her behavior, some about her thinking and feelings, some about her likes and dislikes, some about her psychology. Remember some others factors such as age, her physical beauty, her face charming, and also some about her routine wise habits and behavior with others.Yes if someone want to select or choose a life partner or a wife, it is his first and foremost duty and responsibility to observe and watch carefully her behavior and her habits. Now question arise but why? .Because wife or a life partner is a friend, companion and lover whos relations are not limited to enjoying only sex and role-playing of timely sex. Wife and life partner is the long path of future directions. Remember husband and wife are the two wheels on life vehicle that run on dark future road. Yes during selection of wife or a life partner someone must observe and watch some society related qualities such as her body language, her communication with others peoples, with older and elders, with friends and with family members, with close and faraway relatives, with strangers and ill educated people.
But all of them important quality is free from faults and defects,and her habits. Because habits can change the complete personality of someone, please watch and observe eating and sleeping habits, reading, writing and studying habits, she clean her teeth daily or thrice time per day. Can she like childerns or dislike younger creature.
How one can make final decisions to accept someone as a wife or a life partner?
Remember there is no future warranty and future guaranty for fresh and refresh relationship of husband and wife became, if husband and wife relations are Stand at the base and foundation of sex, and at sexual cooperative situations ,remember such type of relationship can broke away at future life road and single is single is true in such type of situations.
Sometimes life partner or wife deceive her husband and try to pretend artificial love, please in such conditions not ignore the time frame of facing situations because wife feeling and her thinking change time to time, yes her state of thinking and feeling change with out time perception, if at morning time She is someone wife or life partner but at evening time she can spend her night with someone else.
At last please think about the wisdom of a wife, as in very off past as wise schelor claimed about the wisdom of a wife" with out wisdom is known as a wife" and wife is the lose of life but nothing life with out wife" although it is true but there are some dim and dark points are associated with this saying.
Husband and wife relationship is standing on mutual cooperation and mutual love and remember wife is not name of sexual toys, yes wife is not a factory for producing some numbers of childs, yes wife is the name of love, the name likes and future mutual cooperation.
But some when relations are at very narrow path wife try to sting her husband like a poisonous snake and het poisonous sting touch and enter in the body of husband then husband life turn in to death.So please as husband always watch the incoming situations and observe the future mutual and lovely cooperative directions with mens wisdom tools. If husband wisdom tools are modern and sophisticated then wife will remain wife, she will not try to disobedient her husband through some way.
At end some observing points someone must fully and completely understand and try to measure with wisdom tools are as under
"She is hot or not" can she satisfy you at bed time and she really and surely love with you, like to your or someone else enter in her past and previous life.
Can she thinks and what thinks abt you, please try to search and research on her.
"Human life is unrecoverable"
Pleagse measure your future life and weight with wife thinking, feeling and daily behavior.
Always remember disobedient wife and disobedient life partner is much dangerous than snakes because if a poisonous and dangerous snake bite someone body, the victims are curable but if wife or a life partner bite with poisonous behavior and with stinging habits then this disease and disorder is life threatening and uncureable. Till this time no effective ,suitable, proper and curable treatment is not available from medical market or from medical stores, only expert psychologists have some competences and abilities to suggest some amulets with their past experiences. Disobedient wife, is what type of wife and why she try to disobey her husband and what are causes, situations and conditions associated with such kinds of quarrels? If you wish and if you want to study the tales of disobedient wives than study past history of some families, some husband and wife separation cases, ,observe your society and watch with naked eyes and with open mind why wives ignore the request of theirs hus...