Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec...
Stop smoking and save your life. Stop smoking it is injurious to your health. You are graving your own grave in graveyard by smoking everyday. Stop smoking, smoking will destroy your health. Stop smoking otherwise you destroy your for improving your health. Stop smoking till every body hate you and dislike you. Stop smoking otherwise smoking can stop your life and smoking can increase many complications in your life. Smoking can destroy your wealth, your health and your save amount of money. Stop smoking till your doctor tell you your cancer stage is at last point,from where no chances of future life days. Stop smoking your relatives stop pious relations and cut off relationship with you. Stop smoking it is very bad habit and this wrong habit can decrease your honour in your close relations. Stop smoking because smoking can change your teeth colour as yellow and every body dislike your because your teeth are a silent beauty indicator. Stop smoking till your thort dama...