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Wife is not only fot enjoying sex

Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife  relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec...

Gender Selection

These guidelines are for those couples Who are trying for conceiving and choosing bay sex. Although there are many couples who are happy with the numbers of boys but some couple wish to conceive with girl baby.There are many couples who who wish to balance the family size and number of children. In every society of the world large majority of couples wish to deliver only male child such as in China why "birth rate" policy from Central government is only one child,weather that child should be boy or a girl. But there are some societies where no such kind of restrictions are applicable, especially in the "Muslim world socities where every one family can produce many child.
Remember that everyone couple want to have balance the numbers of children in their families.But there are impugnment reality that in some families there are large numbers of girls but some families are rich with large numbers of only boys. Where there are large numbers of boys ,Yes those parents wish to have some girls and vice versa. As it is a common facts and figures everyone couple wish to conceive accordance with relevant situation. Yes some couples brainstorm about next delivering baby and baby sex. Sometimes some couples make plans to take help of specialist and expert doctors. And those expert and specialist doctors provide them suitable instructions about sex timing,health conditions,Food and diet , PH level in the couple body,sleeping position, medicines and some instruction about exercises.Food play an important and essential role in gender selection,for instance think about the natural chemical composition of bandana. In banana there are some natural compounds that can maintain human body pH to certain level of basics conditions. Here,in some broad words banana can improve acidic and basic level to certain extent. Likewise milk and milk products can effects the pH level of human body.
Theories of gender selection.
There are two famous theories of gender selection. Please be not except these these two theories there are some olden tails about olds wives.Although these olds wives tails still not have some scientific proves but only these tails and stories are passing from one generation to next generation with some increase tails such as,if one couple wish to conceive with a boy then after intercourse female must lay left side and if she want to conceive with a girl baby rite side is must after intercourse.But experts and specialists deny to these fects.Now we turn again our real topic. Yes there are two theories about gender selection. From these two theories results are not hundred percent but there are suitable evidence for the successful events. Yes some families claim with joy that they benefit from these two theories. And now they are happy with the balance numbers of family kids. It is time now to complete study these two theories of gender selection.
Natural gender selectio.
As the name indicate " natural gender selection " here it is the will of all mighty Allah to gift with a male child or female bay child. Because these process are natural process and in these process sex of a child is selected by natural way.But again be note here our future plains are maps as are our urges,our wishes and our wants.Some experts and scholars suggests that human brain can measure the future destinations so" as wishes as fruits".Remember in simple words, if someone brainstorm about the sex of child while conceiving the embryo sexual hormone select the sex of embryo. Here again the second famous theory is well establish facts about Artificial gender selection theory Although it's name is artificial gender selection theory but I think it's name should be "Scientific gender selection" because these process are proved by and with the practical while selecting the sex of baby. This theory is also call as IVF or invitro fertilization because sperms are taken from male and ovas or eggs are taken form female and in an open environment those eggs and sperms are fertilize other than the ovary of female. Because first and foremost priority is here the quality of sperms and eggs,so here in experimental case gender selection is possible and experimentally improved. If someone couple want to choose the sex of conceiving baby it is surely possible to entirely round about the future wants and wishes.But remember these theniques are uncommon in Muslim societies of the world.May be other religious of the world benefit and facilitate but I think in future these tools and techniques will be common in many countries of the world. Spreading of these techniques of scientific gender selection there are immense role of modern cleanical and medical sciences.Human genetic can play important role in such field. Yes those couples who want to conceive accordance with own wish and will can benefit from these techniques ,and in this way they can improve balance of family people. But I think it unnatural and it is against the will of Almighty Allah.Allah gift with some one as he like.So don't disturb the natural environment of family ties and always be happy as Almighty Allah gift with some thing.Here always remember natural process are precious than artificial amendments.
Medicins and gender selection.
Human being make greatest progress in every field of life but progress in human health field is very astonishing, why because medical and cleanical sciences are improving every aspects of human body and human life. With medicines it is possible to select the sex of embryo with the help of different medicines. But what about the mode of action of these medicines. These medicines improve male harmons system. Improve sperms quantity and quality. More so these medicines improve the reproductive system of females. Surely these medicines improve fertility environment in female internal organs. Here,in such situations, if some one couple want to conceive with girls ASDIC environment producing medicines are describes by doctors and expert specialists. But on the other side if some one couple want to conceive with a male baby then husband are advises to doze those medicines that's effects are basics in nature and husband body turn in to basic environment. Here also wife health conditions are convert in to basic environment, why?, because human male,y sperm moaomelive for long periods of times in human female reproductive organs. More so male y sperms travel more easily and in friendly basic environment. Yes in this way male Y chromosome can live for long period of time and have more chances to fertilize with female ova or egg.Always remember human male sperms measure the sex quality of conceiving baby.So here next topic is " How human chromosomes select the gender of a baby.
In eastern medicins, y chromosomes are strengthen to someone extent or at high level, yes in this way always y chromosome become prominent and over come with human female eggs,in this ways human female always conceive with male baby. On the other side if some couple want a girls then ASDIC environment is produce in both husband and wife reproductive organs. Those people who's fertilization can't occur in the balley   of wife try to take suitable care instructions from experts and specialist. Yes adopting this procedure they can make their lives more easy and they can spend life with full charming of happiness.Chromosomes of human being.An important and essential be note following instructions and guidelines about gender selection as selecting or choosing of sex of conceiving baby.Remember there are pairs of chromosome in human body. There are forty six chromosomes in human body cells. In others words twenty two pairs are known as auto some and these twenty two pairs are not concerns with the sex of choosing gender selection. Two pairs of sex chromosomes are responsible for selecting the sex of conceiving baby. These chromosomes are in female are name as xx chromosomes and likewise in human male these chromosomes are name as xy chromosomes. Remember human male sperms select the gender or sex of baby. When fertilization occur, if from female x chromosome and from male y chromosome fuzes to form zygote the as a result male baby will born, but if x chromosome from female merge with x chromosome of male then as a result female child will born.Now in easy and simple words xx chromosomes if merges and results will be female child. But if y chromosome from husband and x chromosome from wife then results will be clearly a male child. Now some furthermore chromosomes and gender selection.Remember only chromosome are responsible forces choosing gender selection. If y chromosome of human male is healthy and very active then hundred percent chances are of male child. If any couple want to conceive with female child then x chromosome of husband and also x chromosome of wife must be healthy and reproductive tract must be asdic  because in such harsh environment x chromosome may live long time of period and these are able to travel much faster in viginal tract of females.Yes in such situations couples can benefit from foods and those foods that can produce basic or asdic  environment in human body and in this way those couples can control pH level in their bodies.
If couples those who want to choose baby sex or making plans for conceiving with their own choice, try to adopt foods mechanism other than chemicals and with medicines because chemicals and medicines have sometimes very serious side effects on human bodies. So here couples are adviser choose suitable and accordance with situation mechanism to adopt the mode of treatment.
Environment and gender selection.Every where in the world climate is different in every region or part of the world, even water contents have different composition such as different electrolites for instances,sodium, calcium, zinc,chlorides and many more others elements that those compounds can effects the pH level of human body in days. So choosing such environment can impacts the sex of conceiving baby. So if some want to adopt the gender selection mechanism spend some month in an environment such environmental conditions are in favour their choice of choosing gender sex. Please be note an other mechanism is "antioxidant " and antioxidants are those chemicals that control the oxygen free redicles in humans body ph level and help in producing the basic environment. It is very cheap metrology and any couple who want to choose gender sex purchase pH match box from medical store and after eating suitable foods stiff and balance foods ingredients every time check the pH level of own body by putting pH stick in the liquid urine and match the colour of "colors change of stick" with match box side colours. In this ways collect the urine pH level data for period of one month. Here Birdseye view is necessary for every time foods and others eating materials. And this "foods and pH level" help in determining the pH situations in couples body.Always remember here that sperms of human male grown in full marcher state and in well verse conditions from seventy two days to nighty days. So couples must take care about this machurity period. And during this period avoid from intercourse ,even from foreplay. An other important matter is knowledge about releasing of ova or egg from female and relationship of time period. Here especially the actual and exact dates of starting of menestrual cycle in woman. If cycle start from march one then thirteen march,fourteen march and fifteen march is suitable ,relevant and proper dates and days for conceiving the new life first stage in the female womb. So couples must take care about these days because these days are proper days for females to become pregnant. After from these three days and before these three days are safe period and how much long time intercourse there are no chances to become pregnant.
Sperms life cycle and gender selection.Remember a full grown and how healthy sperms can measure the success of pregnancy. If male sperms are with well quality and with appropriate life cycle then there are large chances of success.


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