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Wife is not only fot enjoying sex

Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife  relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec...

Wife behavior and complain of husband

One husband complain about his wife in the following words" she went in her parents home requesting to me only twelve or two or three more days but she notp5cleaverwife.blogspot.comv returned to her husband home" +husband phone her to return her husband home with children +she denied to return in husband home. Furthermore her father order to the husband" we will recover all expenses and some more money.  Husband tried his best to solve the family problems and all related matter in home and inside the gate of home but girl parents especially her father denyed to accept the all offers as are presented by her husband. Her father only insisted on that" she will stay her in parents" and all maintenance will recover from husband while husband provided all facilities of her life inside the home. Husband again and again are trying to decorate his home with wife and with two children. One important thing here is" the wife age is more than ten years long than ...

Disobedient wife

Always remember disobedient wife and disobedient life partner is much dangerous than snakes because if a poisonous and dangerous snake bite someone body, the victims are curable but if wife or a life partner bite with poisonous behavior and with stinging habits then this disease and disorder is life threatening and uncureable. Till this time no effective ,suitable, proper and curable treatment is not available from medical market or from medical stores, only expert psychologists have some competences and abilities to suggest some amulets with their past experiences. Disobedient wife, is what type of wife and why she try to disobey her husband and what are causes, situations and conditions associated with such kinds of quarrels? If you wish and if you want to study the tales of disobedient wives than study past history of some families, some husband and wife separation cases, ,observe your society and watch with naked eyes and with open mind why wives ignore the request of theirs hus...

Please don not believe on these

A wise person need not to trist on the following creature. Women, girls and ladies On snakes ,on selfish people On foolish and brutal wife,girlfriend and life partner. On greedy and pretend masking wife Please don't try to trist on snakes, weather these are pet with teeth or without teeth. Please don't believe on wife who try to ignore her husband during favour able circumstances. "Pet in home is always dangerous" but only dogs and cats are faithfull animals, these animals are although greedy to some extent but faith for ever for live and these animals can spent long parts of theirs lives with you. If you passed from such kind of these animals habits and behavior please write your own observations and experiences here in comments. Yes dogs and cats are greedy and some very very dangerous for his or her master or owner when these animals or hungary and need something for/ to eating. As a common observations all animals are faithful and lovely, it mean all pet...

Love and treatment

'Love was blind but with the regular treatment with different medicines love is able to watch ,to look and to see every thing around her such as bank balance, some one is rich or poor, how to make mobile balance and snatch the rights of othes" Yes please try to visit the past time, please try to study and research the" love history, yes it can reveal on you that in past the love was blind because love was pure, pious and lovely. Lover always obeyed the rules of love that was based on" free from pollution" ,"free from sex and sexual intercourse" .and free from timely love. Although in the olden, golden and in glorious past times really love was blind because without analyzing the history of someone love, love stood at once and started making love without some kinds of" greedy nature" , "any type of contempt" and without any wealth measures. Yes in real and solid love the money was no matter! .only two hearts, only two mind and t...

Second hand wife and diseases

Remember second hand wife can spread disorders and diseases in your body and if she is free from any kind of pollution then fit for your future life, here  is your own decision accept or reject her as comparing her with your future life benefits. Second hand wife can damage and disturb your health and wealth through many ways. If some one second hand wife is expregent and deliver her baby with or on your own behalf and accord, in this way your future responsibility can increase. So second hand wife cause illness in your health, wealth and in your character. So during or making decision for accepting a second hand wife, try to brainstorm first for some decade and then make final and last decision for accepting or rejecting a second hand wife.  Before accepting a second hand wife, research about why her first and ex husband divorce her and what was cause behind this her divorce? .Is she fertile or strile, here it mean she can deliver a child or not. Please also make shore s...

Wife psychology

Psychology of wife is very interesting, very long and very funny subject for study, for research and for watching the behavior and habits of a wife. This interesting subject start from first marriage ninth till the end of once life and during the passage of time many ups and downs appear and sometimes these ups and down starts from from little home quarrels and ends at separation point. Yes a point where two hearts separates from each others, Yes they blame and claimed, who one of them is/ was on right paths, whose one One thinking and patience bring the vehicle or life till this end. Yes after this darkness appear from hare and there.  If you a husband of a wife and your wife always quarrels with you every day ,every time and day and night, may be you are right or wrong but as husband it is your first and foremost duty, responsibility and right to don't ignore the wife wishes, wants and some suitable demands. As an honest and responsible husband you must try to provide her al...

Wife and wisdom

If someone is married or unmarried, if someone is planning to select or choose a wife or a life partner, if someone is still bachelor and wish to accept someone as wife or a life partner, someone must brainstorm and think about her habits, her behavior, some about her thinking and feelings, some about her likes and dislikes, some about her psychology. Remember some others factors such as age, her physical beauty, her face charming, and also some about her routine wise habits and behavior with others.Yes if someone want to select or choose a life partner or a wife, it is his first and foremost duty and responsibility to observe and watch carefully her behavior and her habits. Now question arise but why? .Because wife or a life partner is a friend, companion and lover whos relations are not limited to enjoying only sex and role-playing of timely sex. Wife and life partner is the long path of future directions. Remember husband and wife are the two wheels on life vehicle that run on dark ...

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Disobedient wife

Always remember disobedient wife and disobedient life partner is much dangerous than snakes because if a poisonous and dangerous snake bite someone body, the victims are curable but if wife or a life partner bite with poisonous behavior and with stinging habits then this disease and disorder is life threatening and uncureable. Till this time no effective ,suitable, proper and curable treatment is not available from medical market or from medical stores, only expert psychologists have some competences and abilities to suggest some amulets with their past experiences. Disobedient wife, is what type of wife and why she try to disobey her husband and what are causes, situations and conditions associated with such kinds of quarrels? If you wish and if you want to study the tales of disobedient wives than study past history of some families, some husband and wife separation cases, ,observe your society and watch with naked eyes and with open mind why wives ignore the request of theirs hus...

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