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Wife is not only fot enjoying sex

Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife  relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec...

Second Husband

Some about second husband. How to choose second husband? Best qualities in a second husband. What about a successful marriage? Selecting and choosing a second husband is a very difficult process because a wife who is already separated or divorced afraid of to repeat no ex errors as was now she is suffering such kinds of circumstances. While choosing a second husband some separated or divorced ladies hesitant to think about some kind wrong situations. Sometimes separated and divorced women  think second husband ex family people can disturb her and previous situations can face again,but second husband is sometimes every essential thing because some women with draw away from first relationship in early age such as before thirty or some more years age. This age is mature age as asexual desire can heat and over heat her internal wants and wishes. Second husband qualities can balance with separated and divorced women. Sometimes second husband is widower or separated with experiences of l...

Variable thing

 How wife change time to time? Study of wife behavior. Try to learn something, what kinds of change can take place during one day times interval in wife mood As a husband why you ignore little changes in wife behavior. In this blog post you will learn the changes in the mood of a wife as time pass and more so many changes in behavior with husband, Yes here time duration is only one day. If you are a husband and your wife is very cooperative and life days are well balance as the demand of, " two person one life", but here also to study the behavior and changes in behavior of a wife because wife is a name of a variable thing. If you still not believe please observe ad note very carefully the " changes", that took place and appearing time to time in a wife behavior and wife mood. Although all females are not same and some are with very different characters and different personality issues,yes these distinguish one female from others but always remember, " all fema...

Washing Hands

Always Wash your hands if you want to live healthy life. Always wash your hands if you like to live pretty, beautiful and with charming life in this world. Always wash your hand before every breakfast, before eating your lunch and before eating your dinner. Always wash your hand if you want to live free from germs,bacterias,and fungus. These very small germs cause disorders and diseases of human digestive system. Even human teeth are not free from these germs. So it is best excellent habit to wash hand before every meal. Always try to adopt habit to wash your hands with soaps, hand washing liquids and with suitable anti germs. Here always remember wash your hands with plenty of water,especially as the demand of weather conditions. It mean if weather conditions is favorable then use fresh water,if weather is some cold then use some hot water. But always remember water for washing hands must be clean and fresh. If you are young baby always Wash your hands regularly with fresh wate...

Stop smoking and live long

Stop smoking and save your life. Stop smoking it is injurious to your health. You are graving your own grave in graveyard  by smoking everyday. Stop smoking, smoking will destroy your health. Stop smoking otherwise you destroy your for improving your health. Stop smoking till every body hate you and dislike you. Stop smoking otherwise smoking can stop your life and smoking can increase many complications in your life. Smoking can destroy your wealth, your health and your save amount of money. Stop smoking till your doctor tell you your cancer stage is at last point,from where no chances of future life days. Stop smoking your relatives stop pious relations and cut off relationship with you. Stop smoking it is very bad habit and this wrong habit can decrease your honour in your close relations. Stop smoking because smoking can change your teeth colour as yellow and every body dislike your because your teeth are a silent beauty indicator. Stop smoking till your thort dama...

Change Yourself

Change yourselves accordance with situation. Change yourself accordance with demand of time. Change yourselves as others are changing. Change yourselves as time is changing. Change yourselves as your society is changing. Change yourselves climate and environment is changing. Change your mind as are requirements of own wishes,wants and demands. Change yourselves as changes are appearing in this world. Change yourselves as others peoples of society are facing changes and impacts for servicing in this world. Chang habits,change behavior, try to change your feeling and thinking. Change your brainstorming and sometime compare yourself with others people of your society where your are living. Change your habits, habits of eating, habits of sleeping, habits of dealing with others people of society. Please try to observe changes that are occurring in nature and natural sign is entirely alarming. Nature and natural changes are claiming and declaring  The rules of serviving ...

Beauty and Exercise

Everyone person in this world want to look like a flower and everyday use different kind of chemicals and beauty creams for glowing the face beauty. For this purpose many people uses different methodologies for increasing the miniature inside of skin. Many try to increase the beauty of his or her body by eating many different kinds of foods,vegetables and fresh fruits. Sometimes some people injects different kinds of injections for the purpose of glowing body skin especially faces colour and unhidden parts of the body. Some rough and dark skin people wish to take the services of  dermatologists ,skin beauty experts and always rounds with  beauty clinics  with only one aim,theirs skin look like a very young people. Yes some people spend much money for increasing the skin and body beauty. They purchase costly  beauty creams  for medical stores. People who are likely found of beauty spends many dollars for purchasing the beauty particles but all these are purpole...

Study blogs posts and change your life

My dear readers spending life in this world two important things are essentials and necessary, these two things are knowledge and information. Remember without these two things we can't survive in the world and we can't live in the the changing world's environment. More so everyone want to make progress and advancement for achieving success in the future life. This long posts will tell you about the importance of studying blog posts everyday and regularly can improve individuals life and through this way they can change habits and ways of thinking. Because blog posts writers always write those words and sentences in their  blogger  posts that have poccess some things better than magazines, news papers, on line instructions and more than form batter as in all others sources and resources. A blog writer always think and research about relevant topic before writing some materials on blog posts. Always remember feelings and thinking of blog writer are about relevant issues, pr...

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Disobedient wife

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