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Wife is not only fot enjoying sex

Active wife and life of a husband. Husband and wife relationship. " No life without wife" Enjoy sex with wife everyday because wife w ill enjoy the same way. Yes,always remember wife is not only for enjoying sex with her day and night or when a suitable chance available try to put your pressure on her for sexual action while wife is not agree to enjoy sex with her husband. Some hot husbands doze with chemicals and tablets for enjoying sex with wife but sometimes wife ignore or dislikes to such intervals but husband try to put leather stick in a s wetseale hot hole.such type of incidents cause and create problems and issues in a home. Sometimes such stubborn intervals cause break through in husband and wife  relationship and final results as s " separation or divorce". Please remember here divorce is a "bad shining spot for girls and women because this wrong label prove them as as second girl or women", and in society everyone dislikes her at every time bec

Selfish wife

Wife and proud.  Qualities of a nice wife. How the detect the best qualities of a wife. Wife and life. What about a wife?. What qualities a wife have in her character to improve herself as a pious and active Lady. How a wife will improve the life if a husband wither qualities?. Mutual life of a couple depends on understanding each other. Sometimes where life partner choose a SME lines of path of life with one minds and two bodies the life of couple travel on a right and light path. Before the arrangement of a couple life sometimes the two distinct bodies with different thing,with different goals and with different task connect with a relationship with out detecting the future feasibilities. Yes some couple hurray to connect relationship as soon as possible but they not try to understand each other and starts the way if life,such urgent relations are weak and have no strength of understanding so there are highest chances to break the connection during couple life. Became careful about y

Education of sex and life partner

A wife educated with sex. Knowledge of sex and successful life. Sex and education in different societies of world. Learn about sex and about sexy relations from books and from Internet. Although education of sex and sexy relations are forbidden in some societies of the different communities of the people but such education play a key role in healthcare circle of life. Yes education about sex is essential and can ply vital role to improve the human health,cause batter next generations remedy to fell in ignorant circulation. Yes dialogue about sex and sex related topic I shameful for some people, some religious societies and some communities but with the awareness of such important branch of study can cause improvements in pleasure moments, role of relationship among adolescent generation, eradication of sexual transmitted diseases and disorders and well establishment the moral strength in societies. Education about sex is not a theory but it is scientific study about  every day sexual r

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Disobedient wife

Always remember disobedient wife and disobedient life partner is much dangerous than snakes because if a poisonous and dangerous snake bite someone body, the victims are curable but if wife or a life partner bite with poisonous behavior and with stinging habits then this disease and disorder is life threatening and uncureable. Till this time no effective ,suitable, proper and curable treatment is not available from medical market or from medical stores, only expert psychologists have some competences and abilities to suggest some amulets with their past experiences. Disobedient wife, is what type of wife and why she try to disobey her husband and what are causes, situations and conditions associated with such kinds of quarrels? If you wish and if you want to study the tales of disobedient wives than study past history of some families, some husband and wife separation cases, ,observe your society and watch with naked eyes and with open mind why wives ignore the request of theirs hus

Husband, wife and but what target? Remember in the first year of marriage, the wife speaks and speaks again and again and husband always hear with full patience the bitter dialogue of wife, the wrong sentences of wife and all avoid to try from the eagerness of his wife. But when second year of husband and wife start then husband says all about loudly and wife hear with patience and try to says nothing from her mouth to her husband because second year of marriage end. And third year of marriage starts with awesome change. Of what type of changes? From where there these changes appears and how appears in in the life of couples future life? These are controllable or not controllable in married couples future life? Please you will find the answer of such type of quarries at the end of this post and in some of others such kinds of blogs posts at this place and in these pages and posts. Alright when third year of husband and wife starts , here the situation is changes completely and some negative w

Mobile phones, misunderstanding between husband and wife

Mobile phones cause many problems, misunderstanding and unconfedences between husbands and wives. Yes mobile phones set uses have positive and negative effects on health of relationship between husbands and wives. Many husbands dislikes to watch/ to see/ to observe and to hear his wife is talking with others men, with others boys or with boyfriend. A husband can't want to hear that his wife is connecting relationship with others on mobile phone set. Yes a husband can't want to hear this his wife talking sexual talks with her relatives, with her neighbors and with her previous boyfriend. Yes it is common reality of our society no husband like her wife read text messages send from others peoples on her mobile phone. It is also reality some text messages consists of abuse text material. Sexual informations and sex related guidelines. Some times some cleaver wifes pin these texts messages, some wives explains to her husband, these are their own matters. As a real and love husba